The town of Kulu, which has witnessed many times from the period of polished stone to the old bronze, chalcolithic and Hellenistic periods, was named after Kulubey, one of the nomadic community leaders.

During the period of the Ottoman Empire in the region began to reign. From this point of view, it is seen that the Ottoman State was given great support in terms of logistics. Currently, a large part of the Kulu region is made up of Yörük people.

In addition to the nomads, Kurds, Nogays and Turkmen are known as the land. Located in Kulu district, Gökgöl is an amazing natural wonder that contains thousands of bird species. There are festivals in places such as social facilities and cafes every year.

Canteen and restaurant-style businesses in the region are visited a lot. The vast majority of visitors are usually tourists. For this reason, in the decoration of the place, we paid attention to ensure the comfort of the visitors at the highest level by using the metal casting chair.